For this Tutorial you will need.
A selection of Tube/s of your choice I am using the awesome artwork of © Joel Adams ,
which you must have a license to use you can get one at CDO
* Please note that I purchased my tube from CILM *
Elements and Papers are from a scrap kit called Spring Time Color
by Cindy of *Puddicat Creations* you can purchase it Here.
Font: Vani
Drop Shadow of choice.
Mask by *HorsePlays Pastures*, it's #11 you can download it Here
Remember to Save Often!!!
Let's create
Open new image 700 x 6700 we can crop later.
Select pdc_ladder1 place center of layer. Using the Magic Wand click inside each frame.
Copy paste pdc_paper1/selections/invert/delete, move below frame.
Select your tube/s then hit delete/deselect. Move below frame layer, give all a Drop Shadow.
Layers Merge/Merge visible.
Open your main tube and place on top of frame, give a Drop Shadow.
Select pdc_mushroom2 resize 48% move to right of frame.
Select pdc_flowers 8 resize 27% move infront of mushrooms.
Select pdc_frog 1 Image/Mirror move to left of frame/resize 32%.
Select pdc_ribbon 3 paste below frame layer.
Select pdc_flowers 1 paste above frame layer then resize 42%,
then using Freehand selection tool erase the lower stems,
giving the effect flowers are behind ribbon.
Select pdc_blingflower1 resize 75% move to left of layer.
Select pdc_paper14 new layer select all paste into selection. Duplicate.
On Duplicated layer Adjust/Blur/Gaussian Blur-50.
Give a Drop Shadow to any layer that requires it.
Add your Artist © and your name then crop and save.
This is only a guide and feel free to use any other element you wish.
Most of all have fun creating.
Email me your creation, so I can show off your creations on my blog.
Thank you for using my tutorial.
Written and copyrighted to Maree (aka Falcon) on 28th April 2011.
Under no uncertain terms are you allowed to make money from anything
produced from this tut, as this is against my TOU's.
Any similarities to this tutorial are purely coincidental.